poo.pee.tantrums.tears.laughter.going insane.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Weekends and Laundry

I always wonder why the laundry basket is always full.

I mean I do the laundry almost everyday and still the damn basket is always full. Who in the world spends their entire weekend washing clothes? Well I do.... 2 loads on Saturday and 2 loads on Sunday.

Ya I may sound anal to you but I swear it's always full. I have not freaking idea what is going on. The only logical explanation I can think off is that we too many outfits a day.

Anyway, other than the laundry, we had a great weekend. Ate in a restaurant, shopped for 4 hours, bought a dress for myself and still got home in one piece with baby tucked under my arms. Couldn't ask for more. Life should be this way. Simple, uncomplicated and fuss free.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Like the magic porridge pot, the laundry basket will always keep everflowing.

Love the blog and the pics of Letitia.