The little one is sick again! Fever that comes and goes. As usual we also cannot find the
cause of the fever. Throat looks fine, ears look fine, lungs sound fine............ Sometimes other than peace of mind I have no idea why i pay good money to doctors who cannot tell me what is wrong with my child.
Anyway, it started last night. My 24 hr nightmare started when my parents took her out and returned 30 minutes later saying that Letitia has a fever.
I washed her up ( my mother said that fever cannot take bath) with a wet towel and send her off to bed. Hoping that fever would subside. By 12 midnight she was burning so I had to wake her up to medicate her. BIG mistake..... she didn't go back to sleep till 2.30am and that was after I screamed at her. She woke up at 8.30am this morning still running a temperature.
By 11.30am she was so sleepy she could hardly keep her eyes open but when I tried to get her to nap she cried and screamed till she
vomited. Okay so she won, she didn't go down for a nap till 12.30pm.
3pm. Fever again. 6.30pm Fever out of control..... thermometer was reading 38.8 degrees. Off we went to doctor with sick child and grand parents in tow. 4 adults..... it took 4 adults to take a 20 month child to the clinic.
"No no no no no" BIG BIG frown on face and tears rolling down her face. This was her reaction when it was her turn. She was dragged into the doctor's office screaming and yelling. She was hysterical throughout the entire examination that yielded NO results!
The moral of the story. I should have gone to medical school.